this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don’t warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed !
the most important abilities to develop for ‘ a spritual teacher ’ are to be able to give a talk people can relate to and answer questions, actually its far better if people let you know in writing in advance what their question is and facebook is as good as anything for communication !
its also a great help to be able to transverse christian, zen,
neo-advaita/non-dual, sufi and islamic lingos !
maybe the last one needs some caution ! : o)
talk to your walls, i do !
its typical of “ spiritual centers ” that the advice is all screwed up
i wonder why you promote total fiction as real ?
dumb posts like yours never get removed do they, you know, r|whatever for drugged mindless fools !
philip k. dick from “ a scanner
darkly ”
. . . knowing very little and getting that little fragment wrong too
halsey singing
one hundred years ago in serbia she would probably be seeing visions of the virgin mary !
the lyrics are intelligent, the video is pornography !
“ jeff foster has a lot of followers ”
he does a lot of retreats, people get attached once they do a retreat
he’s aging
, but he was quite a “ pretty boy ” and a lot of his ‘ entourage ’ i think are housewives looking for a bit of excitement in their lives, just like lisa cairns attracts autistic young and not so young males grateful for anyone that will even speak to them !
lisa cairns is “ approved ” by tony parsons and she doesn’t really understand what it is about though she is very solipsistic
as a result she mostly, but not always talks blather !
retreat organization wise and that sort of thing she would be the most clued and if you ever read this lisa, cut way back on the time spent talking at your retreats !
she’s talented, but is choosing to inhabit a
no-talent space, you know
she’s talented, but is choosing to inhabit a
no-talent space
“ if a person is a certain way, and then later they are not, is it possible for them to revert to the way they were before ?
i said this to a friend earlier : a person reverting is like a wave uncrashing ”
a person reverting is like a spring taking its original shape !
i have always
wondered about people with a protruding jaw !
jesus, dentistry is income for life !
leonard cohen went to a church run by
a sex predator who he seems to think “ awakened ” people ?
sex predator fail. ”
abused women “ fail ” fucking and being pawed by a
70 to
105 year old !
its hilarious when you think about it !
: o)
steve sanfield’s
poems , he sounds like a hermit
you know, in the real world talent counts for something unlike the pretend worlds of reddit were the mods chase down and remove anything intelligent !
“ would brad warner benefit anymore from leaving leaving zen or is he stuck now ? ”
he is split in too many directions, he should have dropped the music and the monster nostalgia
we all have focus issues !
hasley’s (ashley nicolette frangipane) song
colours rises above the expected teenage pap i don’t know why ?
“ blue is just my creative colour. its like so many things at once. its electric, and its bright, but its also calm. its also ethereal. blue is just an otherworldly colour to me. blue is the sky. blue is the sea. blue for me represents the unexplored territory ”
“ my song ‘ colors ’ is about being in a relationship with someone and kind of watching the vibrancy slowly start to leak out of them, watch the colors
start to fade , whether they’re falling victim to drugs or falling victim to work or any sort of negative behavior that’s kind of taking them away from the bright and lively person that they used to be, you can kind of see them start to fade to gray, and you wish you had them back the way that they used to be ”
“ and now everything is grey, his smoke , his dreams, he is so devoid of colour he doesn't know what that means ”
you can learn as much or more from the guys doing it wrong as doing it right !
there is an extreme in failure that makes everything clear !
you can learn as much or more from the guys doing it wrong as doing it right !
you can learn as much or more from the guys doing it wrong as doing it right
an r|zen post titled ‘ dreaming of zen ’
alright just a quick dream i just had
somehow a singing bowl was in front of me and some voice said “ how many world honoured ones have humbled themselves in front of this bowl ” to which i started crying tears of joy
just wondering what this could mean, i don’t study a lot of buddhism but i have in the past
is there any info on dreams related to this sorta stuff ?
r e p l y
that is very distinctly a dream and not a vision or kensho
you have always been on the wrong track and always will be
ed. a believer in reincarnation apparently
your appetite is for bullshit !
all the dream is doing is reflecting that, how can there be hope ?
i have spent a lifetime working with the visionary, there are subtle and not so subtle clues that i know from experience and i have never seen anyone else alive today with that sort of knowledge !
i am reluctant to discuss how i know beyond what i have said because its copied quite easily and a new race of “ visionary fakes ” will spring up !
i think i’ll keep that as my “ secret knowledge ” no point in spilling the beans ! :o)
the nearest i have come across this is eihei dogen’s visionary accounts !
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
you have a talent for “ process ”
, you just need to move from parallel to
quality reading is important as well as getting some solitary contemplative time
“ process ” means your dream had some right features about it, just the semantics were fucked, like a building built wrong
so all you have to do is build right
right is “
co-incidence ” and wrong is “ parallel ”
i read an account on reddit by a computer technician who had been called out to look at a computer by the wife of a man who had just comitted suicide
, the computer was felt to be somehow associated with it, so he went out and the family (and friends?) were gathered around waiting for him to look at it
immediately he noticed the hard disk was missing and he knew from the news that the police had raided and removed the hard disks of several men suspected of having paedophile pornography
so he just told the assembly the hard disk was missing and left !
r|zen and r|enz are like spinning wheels and when you get off, you can see them spinning and don’t want to get back on !
r|enz and r|zen are like spinning wheels and when you get off, you can see them spinning and don’t want to get back on !
you need to focus on what will be your future
you need to focus on what will be your future
you need to focus on what will be your future
occasionally you have to make a public statement, there’s no good in thinking somethings privately
occasionally you have to make a public statement, there’s no good in thinking somethings privately
occasionally you have to make a public statement, its no good thinking somethings privately
occasionally you have to make a public statement, its no good thinking somethings privately
heading the ball in soccer is
a concussive event and the rule setting authorities
know and need to do more ! !
all the media fuss about david beckham and no mention ever of the glaringly obvious, he has subtle brain damage from soccer induced concussion !
soccer will get declining attendances until they change the rules or are induced to do so by getting hit by a big lawsuit, that’s their problem !
i played hockey at secondary school and never got hit in the head once
there’s a well known poem by wang wei who got lost in the woods on his way to visit a hermit getting scared shitless by the prospect of being out at dusk and the night with tigers around !
he could hear the bell of the hermitage but couldn’t find it !
“ if i cooked a meal for my father i could put
mk-7 on it ”
honestly i don’t try to help my family at all supplement wise, its a lost cause and you shouldn’t give anything to
some-one secretly, for instance
mk-7 (K2) is a bit osteoarthritic
“ yeah i haven’t given anyone something secretly but have thought about doing it obviously, would feel bad if i actually ever did though ”
it can go really wrong is the problem !
mk-7 is likely the best thing for cardiovascular problems
other people and supplements is always problematic
take good care of your brain, its your only asset !
i have come to a different view as its all you seem to be suited for (ed. being a ‘ spiritual teacher ’ )
its a hard road, i’ll say that !
basically you need to give retreats and get the numbers necessary to go
the authority you have is the childhood dai kensho experience and that is really the only authority and people won’t understand that so basically you are just organising retreats etc, maybe giving a daily talk during the retreat, springwater has very good retreats, no forced attendance of the talks, can be a sort of holiday if you like which is something lisa cairns does well . .
if only people would be content with what they have in the way of skills and abilities . .
i don’t think zen and other centers offer good value on the work in exchange for board and food front any more if they ever did ? !
the information on the net is better and the
so-called teachers are usually away with the fairies !
it pays
to dig , rather than project !
it pays to dig, rather than project
the problem is that what you wrote is just junk, and from an aporetic view you need to move into a different space
i suppose that is happening as we dialogue . .
“ the oxford english dictionary includes two forms of ‘ aporia ’
the adjective “ aporetic ”
, which it defines as “ to be at a loss ”
, “ impassable ”
, and “ inclined to doubt, or to raise objections ”
and the noun form “ aporia ”
, which it defines as the “ state of the aporetic ” and “ a perplexity or difficulty ” ”
‘ which it defines as the “ state of the aporetic ” and “ a perplexity or difficulty ” ’
yeah that’s it
the real zen !
so come up
to the lab and see what’s on the slab
an interesting
interview with richard o’brien who lived in tauranga and the waikato in new zealand from age
9 to
22 !
oddly i know some of
the places in his teenage and young adult life in new zealand, victoria street, the “ main drag ” in hamilton and have a vivid image of the embassy theatre in my mind as we lived only twenty minutes drive away !
“ and crawling on the planets face some insects called the human race lost in time and space and meaning ”
mabel stark and rajah, an interesting if traumatic
I II life
the efficacy of negation
well you can negate what’s wrong, but you can’t negate what’s right you see ?
i’m not encouraging real life zen but am saying that you won’t understand it, without real life experience of it !
real life warfare differs considerably from strategy and role playing games
only the insane could think they understand zen without any real life experience of it
only the insane could think they understand zen without real life experience of it !
only the insane could think they understand zen without any real life experience of it
our writing is our thoughts and should develop them
our writing is our thoughts and should develop them
our writing is our thoughts and should develop them
when people complain about what you write, its potent ! : o)
when people complain about what you write its potent ! : o)
when people complain about what you write its potent !
when people complain about what you write its potent
jason writes
i ran out of gas, then went to refill after but it wouldn’t start
after moving it from the road with the tractor i think it jostled around the gas because it showed more than right after i put gas in
so after i moved it with the tractor it started
r e p l y
never ever run a car out of gas, all the gunk at the bottom of the tank goes into the system and clogs it up !
you are on the right track when everyone starts avoiding or denying you
you are on the right track, when everyone starts avoiding or denying you
some people overly conceal information if they feel its not to their advantage
they are tangled messes
just be aware that their own self interest or what they see as that comes before a concern for you
some people conceal information if they feel its not to their advantage
, you do nothing but preach how you understand and
no-one else does
“ buji ” or “ negation zen ” is
not understanding
you do nothing but preach how you understand and
no-one else does
“ buji ” or “ negation zen ” is
not understanding
why r|zen is like it is
it is moderated to make it safe for the dull and halfwitted, especially those whose pot smoking has wiped out their hippocampus !
r|zen is moderated to make it safe for the dull and halfwitted, especially those whose pot smoking has wiped out their hippocampus !
a lot of
that stuff is suicidal
but we are always sorting random unreal stuff out from what it actually pays to do !
an interesting thing about jōshū is he lived ‘ the life of riley ’
, zen buddhism was at its peak, large monasteries, a supportive lay population, ideal for a travelling monk just swanning around
then ch’an got kicked off its pedestal when he was supposedly
sixty-eight with the
845 a.d. closure of monasteries, temples and shrines, which incidentally was how he ended up in an abandoned temple in a small town several years later !
he really in some ways is a product of unusual circumstances, for many years in a “ sinecured ” position then to have all that collapse, but the best part of his life had the advantage of the “ sinecure ” and hence the depth and complexity of his understanding !
zen needs a combination of ease and freedom with some aspect of crucifixion which is usually health and i have seen one indication in his ‘ recorded sayings ’ that spoke of poor health !
the reason all these hard work schedule places like green gulch, mt. tremper, tassajara etc produce incompetence is they simply don’t give enough time !
scientology has the same problem actually !
the tassajara center has some funding problems, i think their cold shouldering of brad warner was very telling about their inability to manage anything !
you are not interested in zen, you are only interested in your own confused reality
people are not interested in zen
, they are only interested in their own confused realites
“ Burnie man jailed
for attacking policewoman with a sex toy called Barry ”
yup, posted it (unsuccessfully, it had been previously posted which surprised me) to
nottheonion !
at the galactic scale gravity drops
proportionally less than at the solar scale and thus dark matter is not needed as an explanation !
a good sum to compute when assessing marriage or relationship compatibility is to add the autism quotient of both partners (look at the parents too) and see what the sum is, if you can even see what this homily is about, the quotient is already too high !
when both halves of a couple are high functioning autistic and hyperlexic, then the bomb has already gone off !
when both halves of a couple are high functioning autistic and hyperlexic, then it can only be a disaster
when both halves of a couple are high functioning autistic, then it can only be a disaster
“ the
mastiffs , just like modern tibetans, have adapted to the latter challenge by producing less hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in red blood cells
this helps them avoid the clots and strokes that can arise when the body produces additional red blood cells in an effort to acquire more oxygen at high altitude ”
maybe i won’t visit the
altiplano !
“ honestly, andrew, over the years, you have been one of the most reasonable people on here
you may have a bit of madness in you, but there is creativity, connectivity, life experience, and reason within your madness
ewk, on the other hand, has none of those positive qualities in his message that i can see
i’m a female (ed. jessica) and i don’t always like the aggressiveness, and yeah i’ve come to understand a slight bit about how zen was shaped via patriarchy, but still. why won’t anyone stand up to ewk ? ”
at the end of the day, what does one take away from time spent on reddit zen ?
the main teaching of reddit zen is that there is no value in conforming others to your opinion !
ewk has devoted two years of his life to teaching me not to be sensitive on the subject of “ psychiatric normality — abnormality ”
reddit zen has also made me a better writer and more able to handle disagreement with finesse
so basically the people are there to improve various skill sets needed by you, you use them and that people disagree with you or the forum is on balance disagreeable and wrong minded are secondary factors !
be careful what
you wish for !
relationships, somebody to be used and discarded when a better dream came along
relationships, somebody to be used and discarded when a better dream came along
relationships, somebody to be used and discarded when a better dream came along
the brain shuts down in sleep, is there rest in dreams
the brain shuts down in sleep, is there rest in dreams ?
maybe life offers more fulfilling directions for you than zen ?
yeah i have spent time at various centers and experienced their varying forms of “ social control ”
zen master bon yeon is married with children, that’s where the real interest lies and why zen has to be celibate to be done effectively
because zen is “ looking for the traces of fish in a dry river bed ”
its crazy to do that unless you are one of those “ nonexistant ” fish
jane mclaughlin as she was then was staying at the cambridge zen center when i was there, she was studying at the harvard school of divinity and had been to tibet studying with lamas !
the big issue with zen is does it return for the huge amount of volunteer labour put into it and now we are a couple of generations after the introduction of zen into the west, i would think that most people if they are honest admit that it wasn’t worthwhile as the declining enrolments and decreasing interest in zen attest !
basically zen is a mistake is it always was for any zen great and is now for those here on r|zen !
jane won, she successfully hedged her bets and has the real interest of her family and lately has pretty much dropped zen . .
jason writes
scream in my head
imagine throwing the table
no point in physically exerting myself
the wishing bone cycle :
narrative poems from the swampy cree indians
yeah, interesting, its actually a ‘ wisdom literature ’
reincarnation is about as good as any other theory of death, that is, not very good at all !
reincarnation is about as good as any other theory of death, that is, not very good at all
when you get enlightened, you will have your own words, not endless quotes
that’s not in your lifetime is it ?
ewk, when you get enlightened, you will have your own words, not yunmen’s
that’s not in your lifetime is it ?
“ do you love anyone
we can talk about other stuff if you'd like, but i really want to hear your response to that question before we do so ”
what is love ?
intellectual lipstick for fools !
intellectual lipstick for fools !
r|meditation is basically ex addicts and schizophrenics, took me along time to work that out !
r|zen is full of narrow minded crazies trying to “ gloss up ” their drug habits !
its not impossible the universe could be gone in a week or however long it takes since apparently the universe is metastable !
but its impossible that ewk could post “ i can see what you guys are on about with my posting ”
what does this mean ?
r|zen versus r|meditation, the flavour of schizophrenia is different, r|meditation is way more addictive if that’s possible
r|zen versus r|meditation, the flavour of the schizophrenia is different, r|mediation is way more addictive if that’s possible
“ ‘ the buddha is like stretching out the hand, the way is like clenching the fist ’
what do you think this means ? ”
infinity stretches out her hand, buddhists clench this into ‘ the way ’
peter owen jones’s best
episode in the bbc “ extreme pilgrim ” series
“ the ‘ natural mind ’ is the way
in pali the ‘ natural mind ’ is pakatimano which is undefiled ”
well the pali is screwed up because its seeing the ‘ defilement ’
, not its occurrence which can never be avoided !
“ hi, its me jōshū
, ordinary mind is the way ”
i think that’s a complete mistranslation and it should be
“ daily life is the way ”
the problem with “ ordinary mind ” is its really not “ ordinary mind ” which you will discover as “ introspection ” progresses !
human resources is where they park their incompetents so they can visit their stupidity on the rest of the company
human resources is where they park their incompetents so they can visit their stupidity on the rest of the company
human resources is where they park their incompetents so they can visit their stupidity on the rest of the company
human resources is where they park their incompetents so they can visit their idiocy on the rest of the company
human resources is where they park their incompetents so they can visit their idiocy on the rest of the company
human resources is where they park their incompetents so they can visit their idiocy on the rest of the company
shaolin is just a platform for nancy boys to be pretty !
if you are writing haiku, you are a retarded idiot !
charles bukowski’s
words on writing
“ if you first have to read it to your wife
or your girlfriend or your boyfriend
or your parents or to anybody at all
you’re not ready ”
more acid
reddit on the dangers of carbon nanotubes
Honestly, I can't imagine that it isn't dangerous. I've been doing a lot of research on Carbon Nanotubes, both singlewall and multiwall
Originally I thought they would be awesome to use for a capsule to deliver drugs, but I soon found that the structures migrate to the liver which is "poisonous"
Not like the toxic, gonna kill you if you ingest any of it type of way, but more like the if we moved in that direction and made it the "norm" for drug delivery, over a long period of time we would see a lot of issues arise due to them
(Carbon Nanotubes are just a layer of graphene wrapped into a cyclinder)
Your immune system tries to engulf things to break them apart
If the item in question is too big, it'll recruit many more cells to engulf and form a large granuloma trying to break the 'invader' down
Now if the cells are physically incapable of breaking down the thing in question
It'll forever surround it and create a fibrotic coating around the thing to keep it form damaging your tissue/body
Now this sounds all well and good, until you realize that means that these foreign bodies are going to be held indefinitely in your tissue, taking up valuable space, not to mention the fibrosis around them, changes the physical properties of the tissue around it, making the tissue less elastic and generally less useful
This is similar to miner's lungs/ sarcoidosis/ TB (non-necrotizing)
And normally your immune system doesn't produce massive armies worth of cells to patrol your body, but rather only produces an army when needed
But now imagine if each invader is a colossal giant and there is an army of them, it will need many armies worth of cells
This level of production means you're not doing much else for the time period your body is 'fighting this invader', because your body is in wartime mode and all your resources are going into making your army
So your immune system is effectively freaked out
Not to mention physics still applies and these thin rigid tubes that won't break under common stresses applied by your cells, can mean they can puncture your immune cells trying to engulf the tubes, your immune cells leak out all these enzymes meant to break down the invader and all they're doing is secreting these hazardous chemicals outside and now you need cells to clean up this mess
I hope that explains why your immune systems doesn't like foreign objects, especially thin things that puncture cells easily
Graphene is a very specific phase of pure carbon
It is not a building block of life in any meaningful way, and at the end of the day graphene is small particulate matter, and small particulate matter is almost always bad for human health
women can make severe errors of judgment about a man or future partners
i have seen it in women you not expect it of !
women can make severe errors of judgment about a man or future partners
women can make severe errors of judgment about a man
women can make severe errors of judgment
battering me with your words doesn’t make you any more right does it ?
battering people with your words doesn’t make you any more right does it ?
bashing me with your words doesn’t make you any more right does it ?
bashing people with your words doesn’t make you any more right does it ?
advertising is a racket
advertising is a racket
two captains can’t steer a ship
two captains can’t steer a ship
an intelligent victor enters into a mutually beneficial relationship with the defeated
an intelligent victor enters into a
co-operative relationship with the defeated
an intelligent victor enters into a
co-operative relationship with the vanquished
saturday afternoon at the supermarket, definitely a different class of people, more relaxed i think
, nicer children
, who knows why ?
true celibacy is when you look at a woman and think “ what a burden ”
poor jōshū
stuck at the end of time
with a bunch of dumb monks
in an old falling apart temple !
poor jōshū
stuck at the end of time
with a bunch of dumb monks
in a ramshackle temple !
it often takes
some-one bitching about someone to see that someone more as a person
it often takes
some-one bitching about someone to see that someone more sympathetically
it often takes
some-one bitching about someone to see them more sympathetically
life is full of catastrophic mistakes
we don’t have to be equanimous about them
do we
life is full of catastrophic mistakes
we don’t have to be equanimous about them
life is full of catastrophic mistakes
life is full of catastrophic mistakes
how can you put so much effort into being wrong
what’s wrong ?
drugs ?
how can you put so much effort into being wrong
what’s wrong ?
how can you put so much effort into being wrong
how can you put so much effort into being wrong
how can you put so much effort into being wrong
there is no plateau
well there is and isn’t
there is no plateau
there is and isn’t
there’s no plateau
well there is and isn’t
there’s no plateau
there is and isn’t
jason asks
“ do you think society is becoming more female centered ? ”
my reply
young males are so damaged now !
vaccines possibly, the way you vaccinate in the usa is unreal !
r e p l y
i agree, i don’t know if you remember me writing about seeing my old childhood doctor at a restaurant on easter ?
he came up to the table after he recognized us and said to my whole family “ he used to run around the office crying screaming ‘ no pica, no pica
! ’ ” (no shot, no shot)
in the context of zen, buji means a sort of fake with no connection to reality !
in the context of zen, buji means a sort of fake with no connection to reality
fame without income from it, all penalty, no benefit
fame without income from it, all penalty, no benefit !
fame without income from it, all penalty, no benefit
this is why ewk doesn’t like dogen
, its
the visionary nature of enlightenment which doesn’t fit his “ psychiatrists determine reality ” view of life !
“ another episode with supernatural implications is dogen’s account of a vision of the round full moon at mt.
a-yü-wang temple while looking at portraits of the
thirty-three patriarchs
this section follows a lengthy philosophical discussion of an anecdote in which nagarjuna is manifested as the moon
dogen says that “ in former days, while traveling as a cloud ” he went to mt.
a-yü-wang in the first year of his journey to china but when he saw the paintings he did not understand the meaning
then he returned to this site about two years later, during the summer retreat of
1225 , apparently a short time after his enlightenment experience under
this time he alone among the monks understood the vision, whereas the others either took it too literally or did not see it at all
dogen sensed the deficiency of the others, for whom there are “ no nostrils in their complexion ” and no sword in their laughter, this episode marks the moment in the traditional account of when dogen becomes clear and confident of his spiritual authority and superiority
i lived at a hermitage with a “ hermit ” and a greek orthodox monk for a while, it was a good time
its quite possible dogen forged his shisho document from
ju-ching, but it would have been a political necessity given the competitive religious climate he lived in !
the pureland adherents i have come across are all off the wall crazy !
the pureland adherents i have come across are all off the wall crazy
buddhism is mayberry land
all the
mayberry-ites with their constrained fornicating universes and benign blinded vision !
buddhism is mayberry land
buddhism is mayberry land
buddhism is mayberry land
“ how often do you take vitamin
A and at what dose ? ”
not much these days, say
10,000 iu before going to town and its viral exposure
so, occasionally as an
anti-viral, but i eat heaps of double cream and some liver so must get quite a bit through that
“ do you still take
(K2) MK-4 along with
MK-7 ? ”
MK-7 as
MK-4 seems to give me digestive problems
MK-4 seemed to work better than
MK-7 for depression, but as i say, digestive issues . .
A1 protein is not the only problem in cows milk
there’s the
β-Lactoglobulin allergen (the major
whey protein ) in cows, sheep and goat’s milk !
“ namo amitafo! shed your hard hearted
ego-delusion. there is no other way to do it but
love & devotion. that’s the buddha way. if you don’t follow it, you’re a hell being ”
namu amida fucked in the head !
anal rape the buddhist con artist !
fellatio kwan yin
yeah i’m a hell being
no pot in hell once i get my hands on you dumb arse !
a contemporary
update of hieronymus bosch’s “ the garden of earthly delights ”
she’s schizophrenic, you can see it on her facebook page, its the way she projects without synchronizing as to whether its actually so !
she’s schizophrenic, you can see it on her facebook page, its the way she projects without synchronizing as to whether its actually so
poem by fernando pessoa
that’s actually the real shikantaza
r|zen is full of drug addled retards
r|zen is full of drug addled retards
r|zen is full of drug addled retards
its like reddit zen
, people just want you to entertain them in their wrong mindedness !
to entangle your life in their’s and drag you down . .
jason writes
it doesn’t cross people’s minds to take things into their own hands
in this case it doesn’t cross people’s minds to split a pill
themselves but have to go to the psychiatrist
i think i’ve always known doctors to be fallible, a lot of people take them to be demigodical
“ learned helplessness ”
“ learned helplessness ”
learned helplessness
learned helplessness
“ the first point to stress is that the soto school in japan, at least until the last decades of the nineteenth century, was in fact a
celibate monastic tradition ”
what you write is insane, but that’s part of insanity isn’t it, not to see it
when will the drug clouds clear ?
why don’t you read what the passage (ed. #139, page 55 in james green’s translation “ the recorded sayings of zen master joshu ” ) actually says which is effectively that zen masters don’t practice !
the entire passage is simply saying that “ practice ” is worldly perspective and not one of the zen masters
smoking pot is not enlightenment, you will never be enlightened so you will never understand why zen masters don’t practice !
practice is for people like you who seem to think proxying your life into drugs, chanting and aggressive bullshit is doing something !
you are totally drug culture, lying stupid aggression, all that matters to you is your next puff !
your crazy version of zen fools you somehow !
you don’t excel in anything except garnering wrong minded junk !
you don’t excel in anything except garnering wrong minded junk
reddit meditation, so many schizophrenic’s with addiction problems
there’s nothing like meditation for deepening off the wall lunacy !
reddit meditation, so many schizophrenic’s with addiction problems
there’s nothing like meditation for deepening off the wall lunacy !
on the left a cocksuckingly voynichated buddhist translation by james green
(1998) from “ the recorded sayings of zen master joshu ” which book i think is a plagiarism of yoel hoffman’s
(1978) “ radical zen ” which the stanza on the right is from !
my remedying/rectifying
re-translation is below them
he who dances and skips on the great way
is face to face with nirvana gate
just sitting with a boundless mind
next year spring is still spring
the one who freely walks the great way
faces the gate of enlightenment
when one is just sitting, the mind is limitless
each year the spring, again the spring
one who freely walks facing infinity
lacks no understanding
not doing anything
spring constantly arises
do you have an addiction problem ?
‘ yes ’
i don’t have an addiction problem so my advice is useless isn’t it ?
‘ yes ’
another way of looking at it is i am successfully am not addicted !
‘ i hadn’t thought of it that way ! ’
addiction, smoke less, drink less, take less, its so simple !
addiction, smoke less, drink less, snort less, its so simple !
addiction, smoke less, drink less, its so simple !
addiction, smoke less, drink less, its so simple
there’s so many drug fucked brains on reddit zen . .
there’s so many drug fucked brains on reddit . .
“ our new research shows that a driver who has slept for less than five hours has a crash risk
comparable to someone driving drunk ”
six to seven hours of sleep :
1.3 x the crash risk
five to six hours :
four to five hours :
less than four hours :
53:55 marvellous thermal camera
footage of leopards at night in mumbai
jason writes
i was on a lifeguard stand by the beach when i took mushrooms, it was
night-time and i had my eyes closed for a while and when i opened them the landscape was more
3D , like when i looked out the ocean went far out wide and the sky the same and they showed more color and depths of those colors
eventually the cops came and had me leave, they were pretty sympathetic to me that time but i’ve also got a ticket on the same beach for being there past dark for
dave, you have done enough zen to know its all about “ approval ”
, who approves who and this concern is quite clear in the records and the opinions of people in real life today if you have ever been in the zen circuit and you have
you don’t approve me and i don’t approve you, what more is there to say ?
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
if i don’t approve you i think you are talking nonsense, if you don’t approve me you think i am talking nonsense
there’s just no basis for dialogue is there ?
go and talk to those you approve of or like ewk indulge in tilting at rather big and formidable windmills !
well i have offered my advice, since you have a low opinion of it i would suggest you have better things to do than talk to me
well (ed. of dave) i have offered my advice, since you have a low opinion of it i would suggest you have better things to do than talk to me on r|zen !
taffy’s problem is he pisses his time away on r|zen when in reality he has a child who could do with some financial support
he’s just in a really weird space of conflict, buddhism is actually quite friendly to abandoning wife and child if you look at the legends !
he’s an arsehole basically
borderline personality disorder
the golden rule for me with r|zen is for it to simply generate writing material, any other motive is insane in my view !
reading quality is a conversation with those who “ understand ”
reading peon junk and getting lost in entertainment is just to irretrievably amplify the confusion of the world !
basically zen is a public domain word, it can mean anything and that’s what you get on r|zen, the clash of “ anythings ”
there’s too much distance to cover, years even if there was a will, its an interesting insight into how society works actually !
its too directly aggressive for women, though there might be one or two male blurred females around !
one day we will have a fight between the zen hair salon and the zen restaurant over the real meaning of zen, how can hair be zen, how can a four course meal be zen ?
its a playground for druggie wallpapering, the retarded thinking they are doing something and the outright schizophrenic creating new dysfunctional worlds !
tone is not one of approval of conventional notions of proxy like practice !
joshu’s tone is not one of approval of conventional notions of proxy
early summer, when jehovah’s witnesses and the
7th day adventist’s have their recruiting drives !
1. Kings keep secrets to preserve their power
kings ride tigers, don’t let the tiger know
2. Priests keep secrets to preserve their humanity
only a wannabe priest would fall for that crap
3. Mages keep secrets to preserve their meaning
the biggest gossips ever and you are claiming they keep secrets ?
4. Secrets keep themselves to preserve their mystery
these secrets must have never met a woman
people wander into voynich as a defense of sorts
but what’s the point they could be doing something more worthwhile !
people wander into voynich as a defense of sorts
but what’s the point when they could be doing something more worthwhile !
people wander into voynich as a defense of sorts
but what’s the point when you could be doing something more worthwhile !
, never had dai kensho
, will always waste his time thinking zen to match his construction of it
, never had dai kensho
, will always waste his time thinking zen to match his construction !
never had dai kensho
, will always waste his time thinking zen to match his construction !
what the people of r|zen are is
anti-aporetic, they impose some inflexible schema and don’t explore how things are !
what the people of r|zen are is
anti-aporetic, they impose some schema and don’t explore how things are !
what the people of r|zen do is
anti-aporetic, they impose some inflexible schema and don’t explore how things are !
what the people of r|zen do is
anti-aporetic, they impose some schema and don’t explore how things are !
zen is true mysticism !
zen is true mysticism
dave your brain is just one ragged edge !
what’s the problem, low gaba ?
artemisinin or gaba
convert pancreatic alpha to beta cells
a separate transmission outside any teachings
words are known and not
a startling flux beyond yourself
you return imbued with infinity !
ed. i guess you could say “ an imbued buddha ”
a separate transmission outside any teachings
words are known and not
a startling flux beyond yourself
you return imbued with time’s unconstant stamp !
that’s a description of the experience that makes a patriarch and is the very center of what zen is about
its not poetic license
, its the source document so to speak and all the koans need to be read with the same comb
in terms of the buddhist legend, its exactly the same, buddha had dai kensho under the udumbara tree and the doors of reality/infinity opened and the view is forever changed
the zen ‘ mu ’ concentration practice is
for retards
the ‘ mu ’ concentration practice is
zen for retards
‘ mu ’ concentration practice is
zen for retards
mu concentration practice is
zen for retards
borderline personality disorder is not a template !
borderline personality disorder is not a template
i’d say he has borderline personalty disorder, maybe more than touch of schizophrenia, basically they will fuck you around without worrying about it too much !
i’d say he has borderline personalty disorder, maybe more than touch of schizophrenia, basically they will fuck you around without worrying about it too much
guilded rich
easy entitled lives !
, there’s
more less money in that than writing poetry
more less money in that than writing poetry
dave snarks
“ is it my fault you don’t understand metaphors ? ”
r e p l y
i said before you don’t understand, you really are missing something, just copying doesn’t cut the ice !
there’s extra dimensions you are not seeing . .
you are building a house, there’s many extra dimensions to that a person with no experience in building would not see
most people take zen like you do . .
tack a few bad ideas together then live in that thinking what they do is zen !
reddit zen home of the faux poseurs
, they can’t even get that right !
reddit zen home of the faux poseurs, they can’t even get that right !
reddit zen home of the faux poseurs, they can’t even get that right
reddit zen, home of the poseurs !
reddit zen, home of the poseurs
“ if cosmo gave sex tips for guys to use on their girlfriends rather than the other way around, what would some of these tips and tricks be ? ”
subtlety or satire seems a lost art,
this however gives cosmopolitan and male “ simplicity ” a good poke !
i might define ‘ aporetic ’ as being ‘ open ’ to your own detriment !
i might define ‘ aporetic ’ as being ‘ open ’ to your own detriment
i might define aporetic as being open to your own detriment !
i might define aporetic as being open to your own detriment
yeah these people on r|zen already have “ all the answers ” which they just endlessly repeat and try to enforce without wit or intelligence !
no delicacy, skill or any idea where the target is at all ! ?
enforcing is against the spirit of what zen is about which in essence is “ aporetic ”
what i notice is the mods of r|zen and actually its a lot in real life zen as well, are strongly
anti-intellectual and anti artistic and the most arrant junk is welcome while anything with intelligence is removed
sort of rule by retards so to speak, but as i say its also very characteristic of real life zen, neo advaita and the rest . .
they will read this and not understand what i am saying
, like “ intelligence ” is bad
, not in the moment or something you know despite the best of the zen masters being outstandingly intelligent and in their way, artistic, the more complete the record the greater the extent the artistry becomes apparent
real life religion is all about the zombies taking over and historically this has usually extended to torturing and executing those who stand in the way !
a monk asked jōshū/zhaozhou “ where were you born? ”
he pointed with his hand, faced towards the west, and said, “ west ”
r e p l y
the sun sets in the east and jōshū sets in the west
this is the enlightenment conundrum
that gives the fakes no peace !
a bed needs to be kept dry during the day with a heated/electric blanket, i insert it between the sheets and remove to sleep since in the off state the wires conduct heat out ! ?
duvets are much better than blankets, all that trapped air !
trapped air is the best insulation, all insulation is really is trapping small pockets of air !
warm evaporates the water trapped in the bedding out and this also kills the dust mites by dessiciating them !
how can there be winners on reddit zen, its just an endless waste of time
“ practice ” is a “ proxy ” word, joshu can have only criticised it
i was thinking david beckham who has a reputation for being a bit “ stupid ” likely has a degree of chronic traumatic encephalopathy from heading a ball and other shock contact during his soccer career !
i suppose celibacy is a form of promiscuity since it represents a lot of potential relationships discarded !
i was thinking about the times i’ve been so close with women but never got too close that a relationship was formed
like being a sort of tease to these girls, it happens often and with meaning
i suppose celibacy is a form of promiscuity since it represents a lot of potential relationships discarded !
i suppose celibacy is a form of promiscuity since it represents a lot of potential relationships discarded
shakespeare was an underworld heavy, the real author was
sir henry neville !
“ I never have any idea whatsoever what
you’re saying but I find your posts to be fucking awesome man ”
the bernard maybeck
designed christian scientist church in berkeley
if you avoid women you avoid the problem
if you don’t avoid women, you have a problem
sixteen hundred years
of illusion
‘ when the men are women and the women men ’
‘ when the men are women and the women men ’
‘ when the men are women and the women men ’
when the men are women and the women men
jon writes
i was talking to my mom the other week
me being a grouch like usual talking in a certain tone
she shot back at me saying something along the lines of
“ quit talking to me like that it’s bad enough i have to deal with your dad speaking to me like that ”
made me feel bad and think about the whole thing
jon writes
my thoughts are embarrassing
oh well
that’s what i’m thinking
my comment
you lose the embarrassment eventually !
jason writes
the providence and cambridge centers got upset when i asked to pay a reduced fee to stay as a guest, only for retreats was it possible
there are a couple of christian monasteries around here and they said i could stay for free
r e p l y
yeah i spent
$5000 nzd including airfare from new zealand in
1990 for six months in the usa
i hit the jackpot !
: o)
the problem with the christian monasteries is basically the dogma gets to you . . its really way f u c k i n g c r a z y . .
that’s all up expenses including travel and a missed plane flight from boston to rochester and then on by a lift in a springwater car south to the center just above hemlock lake !
i had to take a very painful overnight bus trip !
i seem to remember daily board at
$12 to
$15 dollars a day and maybe an hour’s light work a day though i didn’t have to work at all at springwater . .
the other thing was i was looking for
some-one who would understand my “ dai kensho ” experience since john loori plainly didn’t, nor anyone really at the
kwan-um centers and it was the weirdest thing
, looking through some old records, maybe a magazine article when i was at providence of a visit toni packer had made there and a transcription of a talk by her with a few interjections and comments by those at the providence center which sorta amounted to flak actually !
anyway what she said resonated with me and i was much more confident seeing someone who i could understand . .
anyway my next stop was the cambridge center in boston and while there i went into the harvard bookstore and they had a copy of her book “ the work of the moment ” displayed which i dutifully read while stuck in bed for a couple of days with the flu . .
it was very changing for me that book and in fact the trip to springwater was sorta redundant, just in reading that book for the price of
$15 or whatever and two or three days reading it was just being catapulted me light years ahead . .
you do start to see after a while the reason reddit zen is the way it is, is that there is subtle and not so subtle censorship
this post was removed
i think it upset them so much because of the true life resonance !
from green’s translation of recorded sayings of zen master zhaozhou (aka joshu)
the master made a fist and asked : i call this a fist, what do you call it ?
a monk replied : why do you instruct us by means of objectivity ?
the master replied : i am not instructing you by objectivity
if i were to instruct you by means of the objective world, i would have entirely done away with you
the master then said : how will you deal with this ? and took his leave
my anecdote
i was in dokusan with george bowman
bo mun at the cambridge zen center
i had brought a sheet of paper into the interview with him then crumpled it up into a ball and placed it on the floor between them
bo mun was bemused and asked what the meaning of it was !
i uncrumpled the sheet of paper and smoothed it flat !
the interview then ended !
actually i was disappointed in george bowman, but now i know at the time he had “ woman troubles ” and perhaps other distractions !
he was really very good looking !
dave replies
ol’georgie ring the bell because you got this pissed off in the interview ?
if so, maybe you need more time in the oven . . .
my reply
all equanimous i am afraid, now my interview with barbara rhodes was a different story, a really nice day retreat at
some-one’s place by a lake, i went into the interview and did the prostrations and kneeled, but i didn’t say anything and stared, she got so pissed off, she bloody near chased me out of that room
after the retreat she said she was a bit hasty and i gave my view that we were two arrowheads not meeting !
now i’ve had a bit more experience i know people like me are rarer than hen’s teeth, actually interested in zen and prepared to work at it so maybe she was interested in me as a disciple, but i was never cast in that mold
dave replies
so why is it that you’re still all crumpled up with barbara and george??
r e p l y
and boston and
99 pound road in providence, i just loved them !
i think that sort of travelling center life has gone now, its a pity, it was a fun time for me and room and board was just small change by today’s standards !
i spent a brief period at john loori’s monastery in the catskills, i think the way they were with their very strong financial orientation and constant retreat and paying guest classes was all too busy and the way the rest of Zen was to become in the next decades . .
so these other centers were much more relaxed and it was really fun to just wander around the environs and avoiding work where i could as a paying guest and actually i came to know the centers and their histories much better than anyone else i ever met staying there, well maybe at springwater toni packer knew much more than i ever could, but i did listen to some very old tapes and was surprised to hear how mean the rochester center was to her at the time of the break up !
summer in the bay of islands, new zealand
we used to anchor
in that bay every summer on our sailing up and down the north east coast over the christmas holidays !
is zen a form of addictive reverie for schizophrenics ?
is zen a form of addictive reverie for schizophrenics
is reddit zen a form of addictive reverie for schizophrenics ?
is reddit zen a form of addictive reverie for schizophrenics
was dogen a grey, white or reptilian ?
did he really go to china or was he abducted ?
is zen really run by aliens and ewk is their stooge ?
all this and more on
starcrossed reddit zen !
how distinguishable is schizophrenia from religious belief ?
will the real 7th patriarch stand up !
mayberryland in
2016 really !
the physical work and chores you do are exercise
gyms lead to a lot of physical disablity, you absolutely cannot afford to be physically disabled
with gym, joints are stressed to the limit and beyond with a lot of repetitive motion, a recipe that brings a lot more disaster than the “ devotees ” admit too !
your question was answered if you had the wit to realise it !
your question was answered if you had the wit to realise it
you mean steve jobs zen
, be a billionaire and zen master ?
you mean steve jobs zen, be a billionaire and zen master ?
you mean steve jobs zen, be a billionaire and zen master
nanotechnology for dental implants
“ . . .
nano-engineer the surface of commercially established implants with nanotubes,
which can later be loaded with drugs such as antibiotics or proteins for maximised therapeutic effect
when these are inserted into the patient’s jaw, they improve soft (gingiva) and hard tissue (bone) integration and therefore dramatically
decrease the likelihood of oral microbes being able to enter the tissue
based on the initial results, we expect to achieve early implant stability and
long-term success of such therapeutic dental implants ”
of course you get no hint of problems with current implants from the dental profession do you ?
the jordan lead codices, they certainly have the look of “ voynich ” about them, that blend of fantasy and what a blinkered world view thinks they should look like !
“ what do you think makes someone a hermit ? ”
very overlooked is the ability to live as a hermit which requires survival nouse and skills and good health
modern values, a plane flight
delayed because a soccer player wanted his video game from his baggage, that lost flight time meant a necessary refuelling stop was closed . . .
“ but i try to gain knowledge here on r|zen ”
yeah knowledge you agree with !
a person of intelligence will understand what i am about to say, ignorant hicks don’t and really i have hardly ever come across anyone who understands !
the tang and song zen records are a transcription and translation of something that may or may not have been recorded accurately and certainly the translation is very incomplete in conveying what is said
if you have ever had any translation experience you will understand what i say !
the clearest example of this problem is coleman barks so called translations of rumi, all the dumbarses on the
non duality message boards endlessly quote this sentimental twat, effectively saying how enlightened they are by quoting it when in reality if they think its such hotshit why don’t they line up at coleman bark’s door asking for instruction !
they don’t even give him any royalties, its all about hubric
self-appeasment !
so ye of the idiotlost who place your faith in zen tang and song records, you are placing your faith in the translator of something that may or may not be very distorted in the first place and in fact may not have been said by an “ enlightened person ”
its just so plain but do the dumbarses get it ?
N O !
jason replies
i don’t see what’s hard to understand
i’ve just read richard zenith’s introduction to his translation of fernando pessoa’s “ book of disquiet ”
, already i can tell how much his voice is in the translation
still i wouldn’t be able to read the original portuguese or in the case of this conversation song/tang dynasty chinese
my reply
oddly enough some of the best translations are by “ laymen ” naive in the art of translation and translating from their native language into english
they don’t have all the conceptual baggage that professional translators or “ believers ” have
jason replies
red pine really plays into the role of translator
my reply
yeah he’s uneven, but his
identification of han shan as a leading figure in the
an lu-shan rebellion is really interesting
it explains the extreme literary sophistication not to be expected of a hermit and why he had to hole up in a very out of the way place for the remainder of his life to avoid execution
on balance red pine pretty good if not quite to my taste
“ last night i dreamt i went home
and saw my wife at her loom
she stopped the shuttle as if in thought
then raised it as if without strength
i called and she turned to look
looking, she did not know me . . . ”
“ so, you do say that a real life zen experience is a monastic lifestyle ”
in reality zen centers are the same as monasteries because they are all non celibate, just a name difference !
the core of real life zen experience is centers with teachers you have to be subservient to
this notion of teachers or “ one who knows ” versus the ignorant rest is very hard to understand without first hand experience of it !
i’m not saying that in fact they know, its the experience of how the system works that is valuable and absolutely not understandable without have been in zen in real life !
10% of zen is monastic and actually that’s japanese monasticism which is not celibate, though convents in japan are celibate !
it is absolutely impossible to understand zen without a varied real life experience, like anything else in life actually !
without real life experience you will end up shooting at shadows !
what is nonsensical is failing to ask what zen is about and just streaming nonsensical garbage !
on r|zen they don’t read beyond the first line or look at the links
this they call “ knowledge ”
as you get older and see your own mistakes more clearly, you get more relaxed about the mistakes of others !
noncritical even !
like what does it matter
as you get older and see your own mistakes more clearly, you get more relaxed about the mistakes of others !
noncritical even !
like what does it matter ?
as you get older and see your own mistakes more clearly, you get more relaxed about the mistakes of others !
as you get older and see your own mistakes more clearly, you get more relaxed about the mistakes of others
even a pest can be part of the furniture and you’d miss them when they are gone !
even a pest can be part of the furniture and you’d miss them when they are gone
not everything needs a reply
not everything needs a reply
“ the christian science
reflecting pool , where i’d spend a quiet moment ”
i have been in the mother church but couldn’t remember the reflecting pool, then across all those years the memory came back, i thought of walking the whole length but it was too far and i was tired from traipsing around and went inside the church which is plastered with quotes of mary eddy baker and i remember thinking, well this is the same stuff as zen is about but couldn’t discuss it at the cambridge zen center, people just seemed to get confused as soon as you went outside the boundaries . .
brad warner being a ‘ celebrity zen master ’ is in the unfortunate position of being seen as a public service by people who in no way contribute to his income, just the opposite, they detract !
“ have you ever started suddenly
cry-laughing in seiza ?
this happened to me last night during my third ever sitting meditation, maybe about ten minutes in
after my mind settled on the fact that my shoulder and back ached and that life was suffering, by definition, tears filled my eyes and i started laughing heartily
there was no particular object cause of the amusement/joy (?)
it was just a feeling of warming lightness
anyone else experience this ? ”
r e p l y
its just a symptom of the emotional knots we are tied in, if you really do zen you will go through a phase of years where that will appear mild !
its a twenty or thirty year process and your brain is laughing at you for thinking you will persist with it !
aelister crowley is a sort of philosopher and literary writer trying to create an income from it !
you are just going for the bullshit half of zen
where’s the problem
you are just going for the bullshit half of zen
where’s the problem ?
“ what makes you record audio clips for some homilies and not others ? ”
mainly that i recorded it on a voice recorder in the first place and figure
, since i have a voice recording, i may as well use it !
very rarely i will make a voice recording of a written homily because it needs it !
mackowski writes
I have/had issues but they weren’t necessarily different or less bad before smoking weed for two years straight
I’m better than ever. I smoke more than ever and I don’t really want to, but it happens and right now I feel great so . . . who is to say I shouldn’t let my feet guide me ?
I take drug addiction seriously enough that I get anxious about brain damage, so yeah I’m paying attention. No, we don’t have control
r e p l y
basically pot shrinks the hippocampus which makes for greater depression, suicide is one of your end points if you continue the way you are going !
a special transmission
outside scriptures
direct seeing
without proxies
both krishnamurtis were very influenced by vedanta and bodhidharma was also supposedly a vedanta priest
as you get older you learn that very little/nothing comes from nowhere !
this research on the superiority of frequent low dose chemotherapy for breast and pancreatic cancer is ahead of current oncology practice which can be very slow to change !
adaptive therapy is a very different
perspective on oncology !
shrunk hippocampus = depression
posting on r|zen = depressed behavior !
charles bukowski was emphatic about marijuana being more toxic than alcohol
you have both a global blood flow reduction in the brain and
markedly lower flow in the right hippocampus, essential for forming memories !
the idea drug for buddhism, nonduality and zen, they can all live in the “ Now ” !
: o(
why is it, the more words the more nonsensical it is ?
why is it, the more words the more nonsensical it is
having taken supplements for many years now i find that there’s a huge learning curve in finesse and what you really need and timing etc
CoQ10 really creates digestive and metabolic weirdness imo
basically i apply iodine on the skin every week rather than take orally
, more even diffusion over time
chromium yeast i have found very helpful cause i eat a lot of slightly cooked fruit
mk7 (k2) is an immune booster and
lithium water
those are baseline and if you had asked me a couple of years ago, i wouldn’t have said them !
diet is
huge , just about everybody is eating themselves into blood sugar and cardiovascular problems by the time they are fifty !
how could anything be ok in the lunatic asylum called life ! ?
how could anything be ok in the lunatic asylum called life ?
how could anything be ok in the lunatic asylum called life
philip kapleau made up the “ enlightenment ” stories in his famous book !
that’s from the late toni packer who, if anyone would know, would !
the rochester zen center has an endowment and investment income that could total more than all the other zen centers put together !
a woman in an interview at springwater pulled out a pistol and threatened to shoot toni packer
seung sahn ate nothing but rice and eggs, no wonder he got diabetes !
i don’t think i could bring myself to stay in a center again, i don’t know why, basically they are fairly stressful !
evasion is so typical of the drug scene !
evasion is so typical of the drug scene
faith is “ what it suits me to believe ! ”
: o )
faith is “ what it suits me to believe ! ”
faith is “ what it suits me to believe ”
ewk, i notice you are being made fun of because of your “ faux ” ignore
but they have a point and its to do with you not addressing where you are wrong or need to look at something, you just skip off like a needle jumping on a record to play the same tune again and again
this in itself diagnoses you as schizophrenic i am afraid !
“ i’m trying to avoid working a meaningless job (ed. looking to work for food and board at a zen center) in favor of doing something to better myself ”
zen is a meaningless job, in my experience having met a lot of teachers and stayed at quite a few different centers
, 99% are like r|zen, just following some fantasy and have no clues as to what zen is really about, that includes most zen masters !
what i can say and you won’t accept is that you are not all interested in what zen is really about, if you accept that then what you do becomes much clearer which is to simply develop work skills
in terms of zen centers that is basically carpentry, computer publishing and groundsman work
by and large i would have to say zen is not at all musical
being put on psychiatric medications when young is a real killer of later health
being put on psychiatric medications when young is a real killer of health
its beginning to dawn on me that most people are on r|zen and avoid real life zen because rlz is strongly
anti-drugs !
hence the constant inane belligerence and dysfunctional hubricity of r|zen
piecing together
the bits of a life
long gone
here today
piecing together the bits of a life
long gone
here today
you can see something is a problem
then you get embroiled in the problem
then you can see you were better just to see that something was a problem !
you’re a retarded idiot just writing aggressive incoherent junk, what was my original point
you’re a retarded idiot just writing incoherent junk, what was my original point ?
there’s a lot of “ though pot smoke comes out of my ears and lsd is engrained on my eyeballs, you’re the one that needs to see a therapist, not me ” on r|zen
“ why wouldn’t that make me saner than you who criticise me ? ”
“ I think trying to get one’s ‘ inklings ’ is partially solitary and partially cooperative
To truly understand something requires individual application, but a lot of understanding is facilitated by interpersonal communication ”
my reply
that’s true for most sorts of understanding, but “ spiritual ” contemplative work is the opposite !
its also why its a life disaster !
that’s a good comment you made !
politics is the home of voynich opinions
politics is the home of voynich opinions
politics is the home of voynich opinions
stick to your retarded politics, the home of voynich opinions
stick to your retarded politics, the home of voynich opinions
stick to your retarded politics, the home of voynich opinions
moissanite versus diamond !
reflection and contemplation is solitary work basically
‘ mysticism ’ is solitary work basically
mysticism is solitary work basically
‘ is the real problem with r|zen ’
“ is people wallpapering their fantasies over a window and wondering where all the light went ”
they (ed. the druggies) don’t wonder but only want to pluck others eyes out !
they don’t wonder but only want to pluck others eyes out !
they don’t wonder but only want to pluck others eyes out
your history (ed. on reddit zen) says you don’t question your own ideas !
your history says you don’t question your own ideas !
“ one of my employers just found out she has a cataract,
66 years and blue eyes ”
yeah that mist you see in some lights with cataract is a nasty surprise when you notice it the first time !
darker coloured irises are at a higher risk of cataracts because they absorb heat raising the temperature of the lens !
from my reading the operation using a laser to break up
the lens before removal is better ?
“ Why is everyone so harsh of this community ?
. . I’ve seen a lot of critical comments of the users and community as a whole
Can someone provide me some context ?
the problem of r|zen is not harshness but of keeping sane in a pysch ward !
a general problem with the net and real life actually !
the loonies are not sympathetic !
more and more i am thinking r|zen is tainted by drug users and their toxicity !
their aggressive unreasonable defensiveness is very characteristic of their highly boundarized mindset unfortunately !
you (ed. negative
GPA) really don’t agree about the premise that i view as essential to a “ mystical ” or zen understanding
the visionary events called “ dai kensho ” carry with them a heap of gifted understanding, that without we are just dry leaves temporarily drifting down a stream
the perspective is different and a lot of stuff that people have difficulty comprehending is seen clearly . .
99% of the stuff on reddit zen is just crashing idiocy
everyone has glimmers occasionally, but overall they are just unmitigated disasters here
you can’t do zen or mysticism part time . .
i use the term “ decorative wallpaper ”
, this is what zen and mysticism are for
99.99% and i don’t mean
99% !
its not just computer games but creating fantasy worlds such as “ twin peaks ” that strands one in an inane universe !
quality reading is so important to break the deadlock of this inanity !
to meditate without doing this is just to deepen the inanity !
its not just computer games but creating fantasy worlds such as “ twin peaks ” that strands one in an inane universe !
its not just computer games but creating fantasy worlds such as “ twin peaks ” that strand one in an inane universe !
i think there is a type of “ hard core ” addict and this may not mean a lot of drugs taken at all, who uses “ zen ” as a wallpaper to entertain and inform their taking when in reality they are just “ passing the time ”
really my only interest is in “ true mystical understanding ” and these people are walking in the wrong direction while claiming its the right one !
i must be some sort of rarity, i haven’t drunk tea or coffee for thirty years !
the comparative harm of lsd a large topic, for instance general anaesthesia is known to be significantly harmful to children and most likely adults
i have never seen anyone who has taken shrooms or lsd develop any mystical understanding . . they burble nonsense and are incapable of any real listening which makes me think they have taken damage
in addition flashbacks are a form of neural damage and can apparently occur from taking lsd even once
the brain is such a sensitive organ that anything that significantly intereferes with its function leaves a footprint of permanent damage imo
alcohol too, psychiatric drugs, some medical drugs, diabetes and other medical conditions, fluoride
can’t draw a line really
ewk posts some quotes
this very mind that does not understand is it, there is no other thing
huang po
that which is before you is it, in all its fullness, utterly complete. there is naught beside
my comments
mazu yes, but no, there’s more
hunapo, no but yes in a different context
i find this shit easy, visions have their place !
simultaneous zen !
jason writes
i got a glimpse into my dai kensho experience as a child
how much i took away from that
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
went to a rich person’s restaurant the other afternoon
i felt so out of place, lots of snobbing
- - -
rich people are boring !
“ i never really thought of that before ”
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
‘ spitting insanities ’
i think they’re sanities
7th day adventist are not entirely crazy, ellen white writes well
7th day adventist is not entirely crazy, ellen white writes well
ewk, your no real life zen experience, usual complete weirdness on the subject !
no real life zen experience, usual complete weirdness on the subject !
no real life zen experience, usual complete weirdness on the subject
ewk, you are leaving your brain out of your skull every morning now ?
you are leaving your brain out of your skull every morning now ?
you are leaving your brain out of your skull every morning now
on r|zen, i feel like a pinball desperately looking for an exit but have got so good at bouncing that i am enternally just flicking back and forth to my detriment and never dropping out !
“ i’m sure there are some who are most sober here who would appear to have the most “ impairment ” when approaching an understanding of zen
some people come on r|zen with too much caffeine in their system ”
i’m not sure, the problem with the web is what one real life look would tell you, can take years to pick apart
oddly the very heavy
tea drinkers in zen that i have come across on the web all seem deranged
again maybe there is drug use in their history or really tea and coffee are drugs though much less damaging in normal use and actually have some health benefits as research shows with their antioxidants, that is unlike drugs are much more mixed in effect !
when people fight too hard over complete bullshit there has to be drug use or a history of it at the bottom !
when people fight too hard over complete bullshit there has to be drug use or a history of it at the bottom
when people fight too hard over complete bullshit there has to be drug use at the bottom !
when people fight too hard over complete bullshit there has to be drug use at the bottom
ewk, have you had an alcohol or drug problem at some point, your brain just doesn’t seem able to have got where it is naturally !
ewk, have you had an alcohol or drug problem at some point, your brain just doesn’t seem able to have got where it is naturally
“ do you mean r|zen is being used as a “ oh look how spiritual I am ” wallpaper by drug users ? ”
zen is basically semantic, look there is a gateless gate and you go through it and return by such and such an understanding, drug users, particularly pyschedelics claim the drug itself is the gateless gate, its like a parasite feeding on what is valid in zen for its own purposes, i don’t have an issue with users who don’t claim more from their experiences than actually occurs and don’t claim that no damage occurs
its just there’s a really nasty and weird subset that just suck zen for all the validity they can manage and they can be really quite cunning about it and they are here on r|zen and seeing it more clearly i am wondering about my posting here !
“ someone doing a few psychedelic doses doesn’t a hard core drug user make ”
yeah but in my view there’s a group on here now where that’s not the case and you have to factor in multiple drug use, pot etc which explosively creates a much more brain damaging situation
i don’t have any overall philosophical objection to drugs except it peripheral to what zen is about
its the heft of brain damage with use and that is a complex subject, diet, genetics, bad synergies, drug quality, amount, its just an endless palette of degrees of damage . .
i do think that some of the “ users ” on r|zen are getting way damaged more than you might think and this must be from toxic combination use, diet etc
bye bye plain english again, you feel the need to conceal !
is the real problem with r|zen
that you’ve always got a knock-down fight with hard core drug users and this explains both the buji and “ buddhists ” avoidance of real life zen and buddhism as in real life both prohibit drug use
that really amidst all the noise, hate and complete miles of totally faecal crap, you have the place being used as wallpaper by drug users ?
adding two and two and getting four, the message i am getting is if i stay posting on r|zen i am facilitating drug users promotion of the way they use zen as wallpaper !
its an aggressive promotion of drug use . .
you guys are just like real life drug users, so disguised, cunning, hubric arseholes !
well failed and successful cunning . . !
you’re a dangerous malevolent arsehole (ed. r|zen, mackowski, ytumith, bongstar)
, pushing drug use using the zen karma
toxic and poisonous !
poseur is so “ drugs_fakes_r_us ”
if it was me, i’d ban all the drug “ promoters ” like yourself, but as it is i am much closer to being banned from r|zen for having that view aren’t i ?
the person who taught me most about reddit zen was
ed. louis theroux’s documentary “ by reason of insanity ” part
these people are not criminally insane
, but have that dull hubric lack of imagination and stupidity
zen makes good wallpaper for drug users, sex addicts, the schizophrenic
, the insane and the intellectually lazy
tick two off that list and you have had it !
drugs are ‘ satori ’ for the mentally lazy !
drugs are ‘ satori ’ for the mentally lazy
the mentally ill are extremely boring
the mentally ill are
very extremely boring
what is that
the failure of semanticism
what is that
the failure of semanticism
what is that
the failure of semanticism
what is that
the failure of semanticism
what is that
the failure of semanticism
toni packer
, myself
, countless others; entangled lives
toni packer
, myself
, any number of others; entangled lives
the person who taught me the most about reddit zen was
ed. louis theroux’s documentary “ by reason of insanity ” part
these people are not criminally insane, but have that dull hubric lack of imagination and stupidity !
every young man killed in war is the loss of a mother’s lifetime
every young man killed in war is the loss of a mother’s lifetime
every young man killed in war is the loss of a mother’s lifetime
every man killed in war is the loss of a mother’s lifetime
every man killed in war is the loss of a mother’s lifetime
every man killed in war is the loss of a mother’s lifetime
images never have complete encoding
the real world always encodes itself
problem !
images never have complete encoding
the real world always encodes itself
when you look at a laundry line
, we are constnatly shedding skin oils fat water sweat . . . other fluids . . . biofilm
those smelly old unwashed hermits knew something
a town is a desert of inharmonious noises
a town is a desert of inharmonious noises
i was thinking of joe quint’s podcast with tostono and ewk
, lol he picked the ripe ones r|crazy !
he’s a stand up something, idiot ?
a babies face has its character already imprinted on it
a babies face has its character already imprinted on it
it !
it !
no tabula rasa a babies face
i have learnt to write
i have learnt to write
, there’s nothing more unfortunate
i went to town (ulverstone) today and hated everything
the bright blue sky
, the fine warm day
the people
, myself
, the bossy school teacher in a black tracksuit ordering her small flock around
the woman sitting beside me at kentucky fried coughing her flemmy germs everywhere
the stupid fucks everywhere sitting
, cellphones texting or talking
the deeply flawed food
the whole fucking insane mess/insanity of it all
i think i’m looking correctly !
the day got better ! ( evening sunset )
deconstruct a woman
, take off the mascara
, lipstick
, eyeliner
, eyebrows
, eyelashes
, eyeshadow
, foundation ̲ ̲
what do you have left ?
deconstruct a woman
, take off the mascara
, lipstick
, eyeliner
, eyebrows
, eyelashes ̲ ̲
what do you have left ?
dealing with the insane changes you
i really think it does
dealing with the insane changes you
, i really think it does
dealing with the insane changes you
i really think it does
dealing with the insane changes you
, i really think it does
why ? your role in life is to be a talentless nonentity, drugs will help
whereas jessica was a talented non entity and drugs didn’t help her
a lot of
pyschoashes passing the time on r|zen
ed. ‘ psychoashes ’ is a sort of a pun and neologism on the drug channel r|pyschonauts
a lot of
pyschoashes passing the time on r|zen
“ There is no I, how can you try ?
There is no I, how can you not try ?
There is no I, these words are you.
There is no I, concentrate on ‘ Mu ’
! ”
there is an eye, why not try
there is an eye, why try
there is no eye, these words are new
there is an eye, the world is anew !
“ I'm just looking for inner peace. Psychedelics seem to give you this ability. Alas, temporarily ”
especially the life long flashbacks !
what i have noticed is that current users seem angry and roiled and surprisingly those who have given it up as leading nowhere seem more at peace !
“ It is mostly curiosity from a philosophical standpoint. My personal use of psychedelics made me really question my reality and cultural values. If psychedelics could induce a satori like state, wouldn't it be worthy of revelation ? ”
its really fundamental that they don’t
askreddit : which shitty genetics did you inherit ? serious replies only
Nail Patella Syndrome
No kneecaps, no thumbnails, elbows fused at 45°, curved spine, and a fifty percent chance that I’ll have both glaucoma and kidney failure by the time I’m forty
A number of other symptoms but those are the most common.
, for the same effort you put into being a fake, you could be a better fake !
for the same effort you put into being a fake, you could be a better fake !
for the same effort you put into being a fake, you could be a better fake
“ a monk asked tozan : what is buddha ?
tozan replied : three pounds of hemp ”
what are buddhism, reddit zen, the occult, pot and schizophrenic masturbation in relation to zen ?
ten meters of rope !
‘ beautiful ’ said the man who loved ugly
i notice there’s a point at which listening to a video youtube of chanting one feels one’s brain rebelling and being damaged
religon is the natural home of the self assured ignorant
the self assured ignorant
hakuin’s drawings have his quotes on them !
7th patriarch quote
“ don’t ask or expect a schizophrenic not to be a schizophrenic ! ”
the ushnisha vijaya
sounds ok, but terminally boring like all chanting or is that just me being adhd ?
when i was in zen i remember chanting something similar to that but not so fancy !
its ok in another language you don’t understand, the problem is the meaning is so crap it gets to you eventually and that happened to me
they are also a cult mind control technique as in chanting hare krishna etc and following the breath in soto zen
musically they are interesting with a certain amount of taking part, but there is a line and “ a dark side ”
chanting does promote the immune system in the lungs, nasal passages and sinuses which is i suppose why its always been de rigueur in those unhealthy hellholes called monasteries !
i notice there’s a point at which listening to a video youtube of chanting one feels one’s brain rebelling and being damaged !
this one i feel really screws the brain up !
jason writes
i was walking around late at night and a couple, maybe seniors in high school were just stopping in front of a house as i was passing
i heard them arguing from a distance and when i got close i heard her say in a pretty loud voice “ i didn’t text you because i was sleeping ! ” the guy mumbled something back
i saw how she was being dishonest and just whipping this guy around
jason writes
my brother helped his old soccer college teammate get a job at a club where my brother is a board director and coach
the guy was assigned “ director of coaches ”
so now my brother says his old teammate is trying to cut his pay by
+20% and get him to pay taxes on top
i think i learned recently not to help people too much
“ if you killed ten thousand of these people (ed. yantou’s
opinion on hubric monks) with a hammer no one would say you had done anything wrong ”
“ if you killed ten thousand of these people with a hammer no one would say you had done anything wrong ”
your (he was schizophrenic imo) doctrine is a strange mixture of therapy talk and non duality, taking the wrongest bits of each !
your doctrine is a strange mixture of therapy talk and non duality taking the wrongest bits of each !
some women definitely don’t want children
and others have them but shouldn’t !
some women definitely don’t want children
i’ve been celibate most of my life and in a relationship in recent years and having seen both sides of the coin, its as clear as daylight that most non celibates cannot have any sort of understanding !
in fact in any sort sort of communal situation you will find the “ marrieds ” just gang up against you !
that was the view eihei dogen came to and people quote ikkyū as an example of how it isn’t true, but he was in fact celibate up until about
30 and while talented he wasn’t at joshu’s level of understanding
maybe that’s not black and white, how can it be, most people come from caring parents !
the people here of course are untalented and non celibate so what does one expect ?
lol “ incels ”
condensed as “ you are in a contemplative profession, so actually contemplate ! ”
“ attitudes ” are for idiots !
“ on r|zen there are normal guys who, when struck by a thing, do not how to roll with it
speared by it, they shit and piss themselves ”
checked your underwear ?
dave, you’re the last person to be broke in his old age you hypocrite !
kogen at tassajara who has zero money and a baby and wife to be responsible for talks about the board meetings with these very moneyed ex monks attending discussing the financial aspects of their themselves and the center all the time !
i am old enough to have seen a generation go from hippie communes in new zealand where everything is shared to the assertion of family rights and inheritance, the communes ended up as small family owned subdivisons
its just nature, don’t be fooled
who are you fooling apart from yourself ?
don’t worry you are quite commercially astute, perhaps you will be one of the moneyed exe’s at whatever board meetings ?
my wife’s sex drive is worrying high this year and for the forseeable future actually : o (
being broke in your old age is physically painful !
people seem to view giving to their children as something accrues to them personally !
i have noticed that even the buddhists on r|zen go out of their way to not even sight a temple or center in real life
masturbating to pretty images is the norm !
no tainting with real life ambiguity for sure !
s o m a n y p a r a l l e l s a n d i d e n t i t i e s w i t h i n s t i t u t i o n s f o r t h e c r i m i n a l l y i n s a n e
having stayed at both catholic and zen monasteries/centers the problem is you live censored crazy lives of conformance to absurd dogmas that wouldn’t last a minute without the censorship !
and there were so many women floating around the trappist monastery i stayed at i was never sure they were any more celibate than the zen monastery i got kicked out of . . though the zen monastery went to some pains to disguise the relationships amongst its monastics !
i think a lack of net access is dooming monasteries and centers, they just remain ignorant hicks and it shows !
why waste your life working for something that doesn’t accrue to you, and at the end of the day you are just another dumb religious cultist/bozo with health problems and no money ?
times have changed !
usual “ personally dishonest ” buji bullshit artist aren’t you ?
why you people crap the way you do i do not know ?
young = tender
, older animals are often unedible
at some point you cease to correct people and let them go their own way
at some point you cease to correct people and let them go their own way
my translation of a passage by the sufi mystic jami
clothed in mystery
beauty is perfect
mirrored endlessly in the multitude of the world
beauty is of the primordial light !
our soul is torn apart !
my translation of a passage by the sufi mystic jami
clothed in mystery, beauty has no imperfection
mirrored endlessly in the multitude of the world
beauty is of the primordial light !
our soul is torn apart !
when i read it, it sounded very like the
last lines of john keat’s ‘ ode on a grecian urn ’
, beauty is truth and truth beauty
and lo and behold there was a strong sufi/persian influence on the
romantic poets of that period !
that poem had a seminal influence on me, i read it in my last years in secondary school and knowing its source inspiration gives my life an unexpected continuity !
two children
killed by their mother (she was having an affair with a neighbour) who wanted to avoid her soon to be ex getting custody of them
medea !
the father of the children was given very poor advice by the
red pill posters, they are unsubtle people with a fractured view of the universe
integrating the extra information of historical and literary context is well above most people’s reading age !
the somme , then and now
why not be more comfortable with your own insanity ?
why not be more comfortable with your own insanity
jessica, don’t you know about female friendship ?
between the backstabs !
: o )
you can’t separate sufi and zen, they posted along the silk road, one is in islam, the other is in buddhism with trimmings of daoism !
let the blinds up and look outside !
let the blinds up and look outside
dharma combat
ewk steps up
zaddar steps up
ewk commits hara kiri burbling “ i won ” in his last breaths
zaddar is nonplussed !
ewk just won’t address that zen requires competence and is not like christianity where you just point to scriptures like he does !
actually its crazy to give advice on r|zen, a sign of being too involved
actually its crazy to give advice, a sign of being too involved on r|zen
actually its crazy to give advice, a sign of being too involved here
everything is just squishing out in all directions
everything is just squishing out in all directions
everything is just squishing in all directions
everything is just squishing in all directions
affective disorders such as depression were frequently followed by arthritis and diseases of the digestive system, while the same relationship existed between anxiety disorders and skin diseases
anxiety disorders were more common if the person had already suffered from heart disease
a close association was also established for the first time between epileptic disorders and subsequent eating disorders ”
its like kim kardashian’s jewels heist, not a word about the insurance or how much of it was fake !
she may not have even owned them ! ?
maybe the ring was identified as real via net pictures and that was the problem ?
update : they appear to be real and were
insured !
perhaps the ring was given to them at a very discounted value in exchange for giving a lot of public exspoure to it ?
there’s an undercuurent of PTSD and mental and physical health problems i think, california dreaming . .
in the east jellewery was a woman’s and family bank account !
the funny thing about shelley’s poem ‘ ozymandias ’ ( greek for
ramesses II as it happens ) is these people are becoming quite well known thanks to modern archeology and you can even see them in the form of their mummies !
entertainment of necessity has its punches pulled, of necessity it avoids the truth as unpalatable to its audience
of course it can be done very subtly like anton chekhov does, but that’s not going to bring in the dollars !
entertainment of necessity has its punches pulled, of necessity it avoids the truth as unpalatable to its audience
of course it can be done very subtly like chekhov, but that’s not going to bring the dollars in !
i get migraine and as a consequence have always put physical comfort first !
jessica writes
i’m sickly and ugly and too smart for my own good and a servant to swine, what of it ?
retribution will arrive just in time for the perfect flavor to develop
my reply
well that’s the way you have gone and will continue to !
what can i say ?
poor health, decay and eventual suicide
its written up there in the stars, the good and even the pseudo good die young
! : o )
great artists usually are suicidal !
great artists usually are suicidal
zen is highly unusual in being a
non-dogmatic celibate tradition, western history and society has celibate traditions, but they also have absurd dogma which means that when a culture is no longer monoculturally religious nobody with any sense will be involved as a celibate !
jason has turned into a first rate writer, he’s not pursuing me for copyright . . yet !
: o )
i read that kusan sunim helped his friend go into the afterlife, this was around my mother’s passing
now i’m not sure i believe in any after life but i wasn’t going to rule it out at that time
well kusan spent days alone in a hut i think trying to help his friend to the other side
in a sense i did that too as i didn’t leave my room during the time
so i thought about her a lot, gone, maybe somewhere
i had a terrible dream either before this or after that i was in some sort of asylum looking place where all this insane stuff was happening, and in one part of the dream my mother was laid on a table bleeding and yelling for help
so i spent nights trying to help her pass even if it didn’t mean anything
one night if there were such a thing it happened, i saw her in a white background and i told her to go on, she was smiling and laughing
after that things seemed to calm down in my mind
a bankei quote
now, in point of its fundamental truth, there’s not the slightest bit of difference between the understanding i had then and my understanding now
yet with the perfection and clarity of my dharma eye, i now have a total freedom that is fully conversant with the great dharma
there is a difference of heaven and earth between the way i was then, when i was with dosha, and the way i am now
GPA comments
hold on. let’s zoom in on this :
‘ the perfection and clarity of my dharma eye ’
what is any of that ?
my reply
some-one who actually has some answers and not like you who just thinks he has answers and never will get that more than most, he is wholly wrong !
i have written it in black and white but you will never get it, its a psych ward here on r|zen, that sort of crazy malfunctional rigidity of harmful paradigms !
GPA asks
help me get it
do I need to take myself out of the equation ?
r e p l y
what people here don’t like
1. its a lifetimes work and most suited to celibacy though obviously that is not a complete requirement as by any standards dylan thomas had that sort of understanding !
2. the perspective of “ I ” is voynich and has no answers, you just get a constantly changing kaleidoscope !
so what you get when people think they are “ seeking ” or “ pursuing a path ” or whatever is views of a turning kaleidoscope which is how life looks anyway lived conventionally
3. you need some degree of estrangement from life . .
4. you need solitude
5. you need to read
6. you actually have to do these things and not just take drugs, play games, watch movies, listen to music, eat unintelligently and pay no attention to the circadian rhythm
in fact doing these things just irretrievably takes you away from a real understanding !
GPA replies
quality is something i don’t think one can avoid grading on a curve
there are various types of readings, right ? some novels give you ideas as thought experiments. most recently in that category
, ‘ sirens of titan ’ taught me to start shutting up
then there’s readings that bring forth the blooms of seeds within you that you didn’t notice. poetry can do that
i’m slowly peering over the poems that my poet friends send me and am working on not writing off anything as
wishy-washy or seemingly contrived like i used to
i think blythe is the one to thank for that
right now i’m
mid-reads. school keeps me busy, so the blue cliff record is the most current thing i’m reading, but i don’t think that counts for our purposes here
r e p l y
the blue cliff record does count and is ok
but the link i gave. that sort of reading
i don’t have types of reading, i just read !
alan watts, reggie blyth and kurt vonnegut are the kaliedoscope though i do confess to liking “ the sirens of titan ” to the extent of being disappointed the real titan is so obviously unable to support human life !
dylan thomas, emily dickinson, charles bukowski and jacques derrida offer “ the clear eye ”
there’s heaps of others even in zen, its just not what is promoted by the “ kaleidoscopic ” masses
education is the kaleidoscope !
GPA replies
do you think that poetry is just closer to the source in itself as an act ?
r e p l y
good poetry requires a holistic style of thinking that naturally is actually what zen is !
you are reading the blue cliff record, its full of poetry and poetic imagery
joshu is the master of double and triple meanings and endless inverted folding of meaning all interlayered with each other
the zen we see today is an
anti-intellectual “ redneck ”
dumbed-down version that suits the unthinkingness and
anti-intellectualism of current social attitudes to which the universities have also succumbed, it wasn’t always that way ? !
i wonder if bob dylan getting the nobel prize for literature is incredibly symptomatic of the decay of intellectual standards into “ entertainment ” !
its a pity, the previous prize to svetlana alexievich was very well deserved and the money needed !
jessica writes
. . . but the guidance keeps evading me
r e p l y
yeah but you keep evading it !
why trawl zen for its
half-arsed garbage when you claim to have read emily dickinson ?
what is the difference between the way emily approached things and you approach things ?
she didn’t do drugs, she looked for the inner semantic coherence and that carried her through her life in true mystical endeavour !
you are certainly almost frighteningly intelligent, it seems to me you have taken a deliberate road of self destruction . . you just don’t want the trouble or bother of trying to figure it all out and the relief of “ not existing ” is all you seek !
basically you just play in mental junk when you know better so i can only assume its deliberate
a bit of an attention whore too ! : o)
unlike most you have the intellectual horsepower necessary . . .
the truely “ enlighened ” zen style take every wrong turning in life, otherwise they would be “ successful ” for instance you going into university rather than commercial music was a mistake, you would a well known figure today had you gone commercial . .
the really hard thing to get is this constant failure and its synchronicity with the inadequacy of life in the face of the infinite
people continually approach the matter from the point of “ bettering ” themselves but they travel in the wrong direction . .
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
you are so intelligent you would have always been the swan amongst the ducklings, the world is cruel to people like you !
reddit zen
, entitled arseholes mutually wanking each other
reddit zen
, entitled arseholes mutually wanking each other
why are people who do drugs so boring ? because the effects of drugs are so boring ?
cognitive imagery and experience is what’s interesting !
that is the real deal, drugs are faux experience !
what uvb does is upregulate T regs and downregulates fat deposition in the arteries !
that’s potent immunosuppression,
anti-autoimmunity and cardiovascular health improvements, the main negatives are genetic damage to skin cells and an increased short term susceptibility to viruses !
jessica you are lost as a dream
jessica you are lost as a fucking dream
the world is a confused mishmash of voynich
ed. a line that came to me looking at richard von sturmer’s
photo montage !
the word montage implies a single composition, the photos seem to combine as a single composition showing the world as erroneous, confused and voynich
the world is a confused mishmash of voynich
the world is a confused mishmash of voynich
excess nitrogen from protein unbalances the microbiome and complex carbs/plant fiber have an oppositional effect to rectify
this imbalance
askreddit : Men of Reddit, what are some things that you think us ladies just don't
understand ?
I'm a trans man. I've been on testosterone for two years and change. I was steeped in nothing but estrogen and agony for 23 years before that
Ladies and otherwise estrogen-steeped people, I need you to know something : Compared to you, men are idiotic, single-minded animals, who have no idea what's going on inside anyone's head, and that includes their own. Testosterone makes you stupid ! I experienced the difference first hand, and there is
DEFINITELY a difference between a brain steeped in estrogen and one steeped in testosterone. Ask any trans person on hormones and they'll tell you
Men aren't being intentionally blind to your emotions or signals. Men just can't see
ANYTHING until you
TEACH THEM HOW TO SEE IT. This is not something they can change, it's how testosterone works on the brain. I used to be so in tune with the tiniest minutea of everybody's emotional state. I was the feelings
HA. I don't notice shit. I felt like I had suffered some odd brain damage at first. Then I realized why the stereotype of the clueless man exists. The clueless man was me
Men also don't feel emotions as vividly as you do. Not to say that emotions never get intense, just far less frequently (unless it's in the anger spectrum.) And crying is
LEAPS AND BOUNDS harder to do. I can count on my hand the number I've cried in the past two years, and I cried almost every day in my Estrogen Era
I just want to put it on the table here. Hormones are more powerful than anything. The strongest love you ever felt was hormones. Your opinion on peanut butter is hormones. The reason you would never eat your offspring (hopefully) is hormones. Hormones are fucking magic and control every little thing about you. You are not unique, you are a shambling meat puppet of shit and hormones happy holidays
Edit : yes I am generalizing enormously. Of course traits do not exclusively belong to one set of hormones or the other. Of course traits do not exclusively belong to one sex/ any gender or any other. Each individual exists as they are, and attempting to slap labels on them because of what parts they have or hormones they're on or clothes they wear is a huge mistake and also wrong. I consider myself a feminist, and I actually got passionate about feminism after I started hormones
What I stated here, of course, is my personal experience. In my personal experience, I saw first hand why these nasty stereotypes that fly around virtually every culture and society throughout history about men and women exist. The effects certain hormones have on people are not solid facts that apply to every individual, but there certainly are trends. I was seriously uncomfortable with the changes I experienced at first because I was sorely against aforementioned stereotypes. I still am. Stereotypes should never be applied to every member of any group
But to ignore trends, to erase facts of differences between groups of people is to erase the problems that society causes because those differences
Men and women are different. They have different hormones. Those hormones have different effects on the brain. The effects are documented, and they are real. These are facts to keep in mind
my comment
i know women can switch attention much easlier and there is a study showing a much higher energetic cost in attention switching and more areas of brain activation required for men !
i presume the advantage for men is a deeper penetration and more command of the subject of attention !
the effect is
age related
“ the researchers found that the gender differences in the extent of brain activation when switching between tasks only occurred in subjects younger that 45-50, while those aged 50 and older showed no gender differences either in brain activation or speed of task switching
According to the researchers, older men and women — starting at the age of 45 in women and 55 in men — experienced both increased activation of key areas involved and mobilisation of additional brain resources ”
i think i am taking the view that hormone therapy for trans “ conversion ”
, because it disrupts the develpomental course creates a schizophrenia
jessica, you are clever but misguided !
you are clever but misguided !
“ . . and know that I’m literally half of God ”
so what is wholly god ?
ludwig wittgenstein is overrated !
so a cruiseship berthed in burnie on the tuesday and the passengers went sightseeing and visiting the coastal towns that day then left that evening again, the next day i went to devonport shopping and picked up whatever northern hemisphere viruses they had infected the locals with
7 & 8 days later after that town visit i am feeling really crappy and weak !
fuck !
an askreddit reply by an irish
ex-mercenary to the question “ what is an instance where you made a snap judgement and were proven wrong ? ”
Shot a man in the DRC because he came running out of the bush from nowhere screaming and brandishing an AK as we were passing through
He was trying to warn us about an ambush a quarter of a mile up the road
That was probably eight years ago now. I think when Nkunda was still running around. Given my nature and career at the time it wasn’t a life shattering event for me. I remember feeling bad watching him bleed out as he told one of the guys with us about the ambush
It was a dangerous time. Dangerous country. Tribal infighting and it was really nasty business
You had to be crazy to jump out of the bush waving a goddamn AK and screaming at a bunch of mercs. We took him to the nearest village I guess. Family came out screaming and crying. We pooled together most of the money we had and left either his mom or wife the equivalent of about 2.5k US and the interpreter told her he died bravely as a good man or something like that
To be really honest I hadn’t thought about that until I saw this question. I’m sure if I really thought about it there are some other snap judgment calls I made in the past that turned out pretty badly as well
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
I’ve walked through burnt townships where everyone was dead. I’ve seen someone get necklaced. I’ve been sent in to "repatriate" villages where all the females down to the youngest of children stare at you with empty eyes and at least half start to disrobe they are so used to being raped by strangers
I’ve seen people with backs flayed down to the spine and bone as a punishment for questioning someone. Humans are some of the most fucked up animals on the face of the planet The
mongoose (NSFW !) does it to eat
That’s it, nature
The humans who perpetuate the shit like I mentioned above? They do it because they can. No real reason
a very good
talk or interview between brad warner and pirooz kalayeh
brad has moved further away from community type interaction on the web by not permitting comments (temporarily he says) on his facebook page, previously he closed the comments section of the hardcore zen blog
i think the point he is making in the talk is that there has developed a professional “ fight club ” audience on the web just targeting any publicity they can get for their inanity/insanity
r|zen has always been way but now its really unbearable . . .
the big thing that kills r|zen i have decided is the recent move by the mods to restrict subject matter to only what the mods deem zen is about . . .
this is the basic problem of any religion and how the usual product is boring misinformed/misformed twaddle
everything except that religion/spiritual path is excluded so any reference to quality cognition is missing and you just get the accumulation of junk through a lack of quality standards !
i guess this means i am out of reddit zen, its been a bit of a slow process, but the moderation has definitely changed, others are also complaining !
“ out ” for me means no more public posting
, lol
, eat each other’s fists fight club members !
i think the fight club mentality in inevitable with web forums and springs from the very different background attitudes and life experiences of the people involved all grouped together under the semantics of a word or phrase
in my view ‘ practice ’ is an
ill-fated attempt to reconcile normality with insanity
, a dull dead product creating the truely putrid
in my view ‘ practice ’ is an
ill-fated attempt to reconcile normality with insanity
, a dull dead product creating the truely putrid
‘ practice ’ is an
ill-fated attempt to reconcile normality with insanity
, a dull dead product creating the truely putrid
‘ practice ’ is an
ill-fated attempt to reconcile normality with insanity
, a dull dead product creating the truely putrid
embrace your own insanity and survive it is the true zen way
embrace your own insanity and survive it is the true zen way
ewk, you are trying to create zen within ‘normal’ when it is obvious from the old records that it is anything but normal !
i think the notion of practice is like this too ̱ ̲ ̱ which is why they don’t work
some people can never be enlightened becuase they are afraid to step into their own insanity and to be frank it may not be safe for them
insanity has the virtue of being outside the bounds of normality
, so of necessity “ enlightenment ” is going to be both sane and insane
what is the point of arguing or trying to impose one’s views on anyone else ?
what is the point of arguing or trying to impose one’s views on anyone else
kayne west is bipolar, not doubt being crucified on large psychiatric doses of lithium, i am sure he wouldn’t look at
lithium water if you paid him !
the problem with zen is its like a one way trap, is it better to never have entered it ?
if you think you’ve conquered r|zen
then you can go on to
conquer r|buddhism
the sophistication of patent
the problem of politics is the madness of people
the problem of politics is the madness of people
lives are separate and don’t want to get entangled
joshu and emily dickinson were enlightened, huangpo, buddha and
ta-hui weren’t
but you are very susceptible to women
its easy for me to talk about it at my age !
my perspective is a failed life and not so gently drifting into senescence !
jason writes
i was thinking yesterday trying to get someone to understand me is like shouting across the earth
r e p l y
we sorta understand each other
, you and your mother might be the people that understand each other the best !
the basic problem is the mods of r|zen have no sense of making the message board interesting
they have their own doctrines and delete according to whether a post fits the doctrine or not, so you get the most blatant trashy spam or brainless one shot youtube link left and
this deleted !
why is ewk so dominant here ?
because the way the mods act favours boring creeps
i mean really !
i remember two years ago, my three line spaced post would be deleted and that sutra posting nutcase would daily post his many pages of unreadable quotes unmolested !
if a post is interesting and reasonably relevant, be it desert fathers or an idries shah interview then it should be left up !
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
i think the mods should leave more stuff up and discuss why they think there is a problem on the actual
OP or comment
also be more ecumenical, mystical christianity, sufism, philosophy and a lot of literature are all concerned with the same questions
this board has become a refuge for schizophrenic dullards to pass the time posting endless crap because of the content restrictions
maybe that’s the way it really is, that was charles bukowski’s view !
“ charles bukowski didn’t have patriarch zen ? ”
we are all strange stars shining light to/on each other from a distance, its really hard to tell what is going on !
you have a question, an answer will come !
“ charles bukowski didn’t have patriarch zen ? ”
we are all strange stars shining light to/on each other from a distance, its really hard to tell what is going on !
a reply to jason
what i notice is that you are very similar to me, maybe that’s why i can’t place you !
having children is a different life with different priorities
what do you think the future holds ?
you just take it one day at a time building up skills
women have children regardless of their partners opinions
you might be quite wrong about what the future holds for you, or you may be right
i can’t answer it for you
ewk, why go through life being unenlightened and pretending to understand the depth of the ancients ?
why go through life being unenlightened and pretending to understand the depth of the ancients ?
ewk, if you are just going to play games, drink tea and watch movies you
are going to have limited horizons aren’t you !
read some meister eckhart !
if you are just going to play games, drink tea and watch movies you
are going to have limited horizons aren’t you !
read some meister eckhart !
being a zen master is the personal enshrinement of mediocrity, mental dullness and a criminal level of boringness
always the question is, why so much stupidity for something that only costs
once there was whisper of dollar notes flicking against each other, now its just the clash of coins running away!
being a zen master is the personal enshrinement of mediocrity, mental dullness and a criminal level of boringness
i was thinking of my ex, just another person i helped more than i was helped by ̱ ̱ ̱
i was thinking of my ex, just another person i helped more than i was helped by
a quote by martin luther king jr
darkness cannot drive out darkness : only light can do that
hate cannot drive out hate : only love can do that
he was a chronic womaniser apparently, they must have loved this shit
fancy sounding crock !
gandi the paedophile and luther king the man slut
the public’s demand for illusions !
: o (
what dream is “ mindfulness ” ?
“ a dream that remembers it’s a dream ”
the ground of the dream is empty, what can stand on that ?
i lived as a child near where “ the hunt for the wilderpeople ” is set !
used to play in bush like that !
actually i couldn’t believe it when i looked at that link !
“ people can read the teachings without searching for truth in them ”
what truth in them
pigs rolling in waste paper ?
even if, in order to make progress, you sorted out all the chan teachings with their thousand differences and myriad distinctions, your mistake would still consist in searching for proclamations from other people’s tongues
the above quote from ‘ master yunmen ’ by urs app, page 84, posted by the flair “ ewk is scared of discussing zen ”
r e p l y
what ewk is scared of is abandoning his role as the high priest of zen, huang po,
ta-hui and yun men (selected parts apparently) and looking at the “ nothing ” he is standing on and how he wastes his time !
lol, i put aside being the seventh patriarch and what am i standing on ?
the sixth partiarch’s head so it comes back !
there’s no patriarch around except me so its unsafe for me to ignore the transmission !
i looked at that
prebiotic link , in fact i think it will cause more problems than it solves, the gums are not good, i have digestive issues and was really helped by elaine gottschall’s specific carbohydrate diet approach which in part is no grains, potatoes or gums
she died a couple of years ago so i continued her diet as my own development, the biofilm carbohydrate diet which is basically just an endless write up of what i find works and meshes with science studies
jessica writes
Skip forward a few days into the behavioral health unit, I’ve been on my meds a few days, I’m feeling good, and I’m coming slowly out of the sleep state, but I stop in a state where I can clearly feel my heart beat happening to me, focused on it completely, so that my vision is inside of it, everything is inside that heart beat
Then I feel that I can not only passively allow my heart beat, I can beat it myself. I do that a few times, in a rhythm with the Other doing one side of the beat, myself doing one, and I feel immense energy flow into me. Untold euphoria
I see multicolored toroids spinning off into the mental space of my sleep state. Then I am almost forced to leap from the bed, with a big smile on my face, and run out into the hallway of the hospital and do a sort of
hillbilly-irish jig, like I used to do when I was happy as a kid
“ the occult ” is bullshit
“ the occult ” is bullshit
the “ occult ” is bullshit
the occult is bullshit
ram dass is not too bad, i like the laid back side of him
“ i got in the shower to try to clean the sin of wanting to die early off of me, and tried to calm myself ”
the way you use “ sin ” you have a catholic background ?
john of the cross, teresa of avila and catherine of sienna are vision mystical
and imo mother teresa is a modern saint because her life was so fucked up. . she hated the work she was in . .
also being in india with its elaborate religiousity that has no bearing on any reality it becomes obvious that the catholic pageant was also as nonsensical . .
yeah you need visionary experiences while young, they can’t be grafted on as an adult . .
ed, lol southern baptist as it turned out !
mysticism is not male dominated at all !
jason recounts
when i was in my very young teens i was hanging out with some school friends at the park when a couple of older guys were walking past on the other side of the street, i jeered at them and they came over
they were drunk and carrying cans which i noticed as they were crossing the street, this was in the middle of the afternoon !
so they come over start acting very aggressively and eventually push one of my friends back so that he stumbles over his bike, i felt like stepping in and so i pushed the other guy back who was clearly bigger than me
he got angry but i just averted my gaze and sort of stood there, he decided to spit in my face but as long as he didn’t fight me i was fine with that !
the three of them crossed the street and disappeared down the railroad tracks
“ i also think your posts shouldn’t be removed
i like your style, and you say shit nobody else says, it’s dynamic ”
the basic tension in zen like any religion is between the genuine mystical and those who want to pretend and avoid disrupting any notions they have about the true/real basis of reality !
the real zen is not that difficult, just don’t avoid the disruption and see what is still hanging together when the dust settles . .
but being familiar with real life zen and religion as well as r|zen you see the huge trouble people go to avoid the disruption . .
what zen master put the
7th patriarch on ignore
a\the monk asked joshu
what is the meaning of reality/infinity
joshu said “ you are on my ignore list ”
actually he didn’t, he flipped the monk on his back and pounded his head in by saying
you are not on my ignore list !
: o
r|zen is really quite zen
basically its a bunch of people who disapprove of each other, fighting, which is what the “ records ” are !
r|zen is really quite zen
basically its a bunch of people who disapprove of each other fighting which is what the “ records ” are !
“ why is it that people struggle with quoting zen masters ? ”
why is it idiots like you (ed. ewk) rely on quotes when the point of zen is to develop so you become a zen master and make your own “ quotables ? ” instead of blathering
half-arsed historical nonsense ?
two times, when I pressed on my eyes, the lights were first like multicolored lights, spaced like stars in the night sky, in a field of black.
Then suddenly, they went white, and the darkness seemed to envelop me — not my body, only my mind — and i began to transmigrate into the field of stars, knowing that this was a way of real travel through some real space, but I chickened out and didn’t go far before snapping out of it
The second time I obtained this state for only a second, and it went away as soon as I tried to fix on it, as if teasing me
my reply
“ but I chickened out ”
the dai kensho experience is not chickening out !
“ the second time i obtained this state for only a second, and it went away as soon as i tried to fix on it, as if teasing me ”
the fixing on it was actually leaving it
if you leave then you have entered and though it seemed like a second it was an infinite eon and you will have been changed by it, so beware, the world is not friendly to it !
that was a genuine dai kensho event, one day it may be a bit longer and more complex and you will be a zen patriarch !
sorting the whole thing out has to mean more than living !
one hellish
toxic stew
gordon ramsay trained in france, that’s really
sophisticated cooking, too complex for me !
he’s got that
ADHD energy for sure !
that’s one of the weaknesses of commercial cooking, too much attention on the flavour and not enough on the nutrition !
scholarship is an alien concept to zen !
scholarship is an alien concept to zen
anything new has a new and unseen set of problems to solve !
anything new has a new and unseen set of problems to solve
anything new has a new set of problems to solve !
anything new has a new set of problems to solve
you are a third rate intellect trying to be
4th rate !
you are a third rate intellect trying to be
4th rate
ewk, you are a third rate intellect trying to be
4th rate !
ewk, you are a third rate intellect trying to be
4th rate
eihei dogen said, “ i remember, a monk asked an ancient master, ‘ is there buddha dharma or not on a steep cliff in the deep mountains ? ’ ”
my reply
the bottom and the top of the cliff are the same !
jason writes
“ nice guys always finish last ”
i’m nice, and do i ever win ?
absolutely not
jason is ahead of me, a really good
flickr page , will be a basic for everyone one day !
having no understanding of zen yourself, you seek to damage others with your ignorance ?
having no understanding of zen yourself, you seek to damage others with your ignorance
“ how can I teach myself to be patient ? ”
just let the thing you are investigating express its needs to be understood to you !
you just drill down until you hit and can see the grain, life doesn’t give time to go much further !
“ how can I teach myself to be patient ? ”
just let the thing you are investigating express its needs to be understood to you
you just drill down until you hit and can see the grain, life doesn’t give time to go much further
a lot of the zen dialogues are basically about whether they approve of each other, usually a master not approving of a monk or something ambiguous about two supposed adepts
we disagree substantially (ed. with tostono) so we do not approve of each other
wumen huikai, huang po and daihui are only partially enlightened in my view, that’s really quite different from
99% of zen who are more of the “ vote
hillary ” “ life should be good ” ilk !
“ just nothing ”
that’s the buji “ negation ” approach to zen
however, the real problem is to get things
semantically coherent
one needs to get out in natural scenery to remain sane
one needs to get out in natural scenery to remain sane
one needs to get out in natural scenery to remain sane !
one needs to get out in natural scenery to remain sane
churches and chapels
are virtual reality machines
churches and chapels
are virtual reality machines
10 centuries later
a so-called
all the commentators
10 centuries later
so-called koan
tostono and ewk
ewk the koan is nonsense
you make one version of nonsense
tostono makes another
both nonsense
sanity left the room years ago you didn’t
the koan is garbled and all you can do
is garble it more
“ i was just driving and a mouse came from under the hood and watched me, the glass between us
it couldn’t keep its balance and it fell off : o ( ”
yeah turbulence ! : o (
their little paws look so neat and human like !
like a preacher giving a sermon based on bible passage you can make a koan mean anything and sometimes i wonder if there is any difference between them !
the unelightened play at what they won’t approach !
“ what is it they won’t approach ? ”
the loss of themselves !
its pretty simple when you get down to it, all this waste of time scripture crap !
“ deny yourself, but how do you do it when the one who wants to deny himself is the self ? ”
‘ deny yourself ’
that’s your projection, from that point of view its just all garbage which is what you get endlessly
the problem is to get things semantically coherent
you need to read the “ right stuff ” and you need solitary contemplation time and given a recent dialogue i feel i need to point out that this is not studying, listening to music or playing games . .
the big mistake soto makes is the lack of quality reading, the introspective side is done much better, you can see it with brad warner, its weakness and strength
that’s a life’s work and not for the
99.99% of pretenders
yikes a mass post deletion on r|zen
i think this is the one they really wanted
i always take what writing i want to preserve across to my web pages
ewk complains to the ops, who knows, he may be suicidal
its enemy territory
tina s. covering
sometimes things are just in an altogether different class aren’t they ?
ewk, you’re losing, how can i put it
joshu didn’t lose once he was enlightened
why not put
2 and
2 together ?
you gonna be like u|kloudspiller claiming to be a “ musician ” and when asked for a demo went into a long spiel about how he never records because the music wouldn’t be “ alive ”
, like he was somehow better than
beethoven and bach ?
the reality of course is he like you just pretends and can’t deliver !
buddhism is like a coat zen wears, sufi is a coat zen wears, mystical christianity is a coat that zen wears, wisdom literature is like a coat zen wears . . !
buddhism is like a coat zen wears, sufi is a coat zen wears, wisdom literature is like a coat zen wears . . !
buddhism is like a coat zen wears, sufi is a coat zen wears, wisdom literature is like a coat zen wears
reality is an hallucination, my vision with the
6th patriarch was of the true reality !
the religious authority thing (me being 7th patriarch) is just the way zen works with its lineage of mind to mind transmission
i was thinking alan watts was really of “ the wisdom literature tradition ” he is not of the zen lineage is a way of explaining it
“ when the enemy makes a mistake, don’t alert them to it ”
when the enemy makes a mistake, don’t alert them to it
ewk, being drunk with hubric stupidity is your problem !
ewk, drunk with hubric stupidity is your problem !
drunk with hubric stupidity is your problem !
drunk with hubric stupidity is your problem
soto seems to attract the dumbest and most mentally injured !
“ well, it's a mistake to generalize ”
its not a mistake to generalize !
its “ bad ” generalizations that’s your problem !
“ well, it's a mistake to generalize ”
its not a mistake to generalize !
its not a mistake to generalize !
its not a mistake to generalize
brad warner you are um um so
moneyless middle class !
brad warner you are um um so moneyless middle class !
brad warner you are um um so moneyless middle class
the reddit zen motto is “ never produce the goods ”
donna williams, author of ‘ nobody nowhere ’ is dying of
metastatic breast cancer and has maybe a year to live !
i guess the equanimity is in part from surviving her upbringing and difficult life !
i don’t think most people are like that at all !
the problem with breast cancer is the cancer cells consuming and
taking on features of stem and stromal cells
her recent chemo/abraxane has given a remarkable temporary recovery at this stage and it seems like it could be that way forever but unfortunately remission is temporary !
so donna is in the unusual position of being in comparatively good health and spirits with a clear view of the
prognosis road ahead
donna in your shoes i would be taking methyselenocysteine, i really think it does induce the apotheosis of stem cells !
i did send her an email about the health stuff, i hope she reads it !
it doesn’t matter how much they pay you, its not worth that sort
of brain injury !
helmet to his jaw
in the video !